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Fun Texting Games For Couples

If you and your significant other are looking for some fun activities to do together without having to leave the comfort of your own home, then texting games are a great option. Texting games provide an interesting way for couples to keep their relationship fresh and exciting.

From guessing each other’s thoughts or playing classic word games, there is no shortage of ways that couples can have fun over text message. In this article, we will explore some of the best texting games for couples so that you can add a little extra spark back into your relationship.

Introduction to Fun Texting Games for Couples

Texting games are a great way for couples to stay connected, even when they’re not together. Playing texting games can help keep the spark alive in long-distance relationships or bring some extra fun and excitement into an existing relationship. Here is a brief introduction to some of the most fun texting games for couples!

The Question Game: This game involves asking each other questions about anything from your favorite movies and books, to your deepest thoughts and feelings. You can start off by asking simple questions like “What did you do today?” or “What would you like to do this weekend?” before progressing onto deeper topics such as “What is something that makes you feel happy?” or “If you could have one wish right now, what would it be?” This game allows both of you to get to know each other better and learn more about each other’s personalities.

Benefits of Playing Texting Games Together

Playing texting games together is a great way to add some fun and creativity into your dating life. It provides an easy, low-pressure way to keep things interesting and can help connect you two in a unique way.

Not only are texting games fun, but they also provide the opportunity to learn more about each other by asking questions, exploring scenarios, and sharing stories. Playing texting games can help establish trust and build a deeper connection between you two as you share laughs and memories together over the phone.


SwapFinder is a great dating app for couples who are looking for some fun texting games. This app offers a wide variety of different activities and challenges that keep couples engaged and entertained. The best part is that the activities are designed to be interactive, so you and your partner can take turns playing or challenge each other to complete them.

You can also customize the game by setting up specific rules or points systems, making it even more interesting! SwapFinder is an excellent choice if you’re on the lookout for some fun texting games to play with your significant other. It’s easy to use, full of great features, and most importantly – it’s a ton of fun!


SimpleFlirts is a great dating app for couples looking to have some fun with texting games. The app offers a wide variety of creative and interactive games that can be played by both individuals and couples. From classic hangman to trivia-based challenges, SimpleFlirts offers something for everyone.

The app also has an easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to set up and start playing right away.

The best part about SimpleFlirts is the fact that you can play these fun texting games with your partner from anywhere in the world. Whether you are traveling or just want to keep in touch during the day, SimpleFlirts makes it easy to connect and keep the spark alive in your relationship. It’s also free so users don’t need to worry about spending money on expensive apps or subscriptions.

We highly recommend SimpleFlirts as a great way for couples to spice up their relationships with fun texting games! With its user-friendly interface, wide selection of games, and free access, this is an excellent choice for those looking for an easy way to add some excitement into their relationship without breaking the bank.


BBWCupid is a dating website designed specifically for plus-sized singles. With its mission of helping big and beautiful people find love, it provides an opportunity to engage in fun texting games for couples. This can be especially beneficial for those who are new to the online dating scene or are looking to take their relationship to the next level.

One of the most popular texting games on BBWCupid is called “Emoji Challenge”. In this game, one partner sends an emoji and then their partner has to guess what the emoji stands for in relation to them or their relationship. This allows both partners to learn more about each other while having some fun at the same time.

Another popular game played on BBWCupid is called “Guess Who?” The goal of this game is for each partner to send a clue that could help the other person guess who they are talking about without giving away too much information. One player might send something like: “I am someone you know well but I’m not your significant other.

Examples of Fun Texting Games for Couples

Texting games are a great way to spice up your relationship and stay connected with your partner. They can be light-hearted, fun, and a great way to keep your conversations going. Here are some examples of fun texting games for couples:

  • The Emoji Challenge: Create an emoji story together by sending each other a series of emojis that create one story. This game is all about using your imagination to bring the emojis together in a creative way!
  • Word Association: One person starts off the game by sending a word, then the other person has to respond with another word related to it (i.e., if you send “cat” then they might reply with “mouse”). Go back and forth until you come up with something funny or interesting!

Tips for Making the Most Out of Your Couple’s Texting Game

When it comes to dating and keeping a relationship alive, texting is one of the most important tools. Texting can be an incredibly powerful tool for keeping the spark alive in your relationship, but also for getting to know each other better. Texting can seem like a daunting task at first, but with a few simple tips you can make the most out of your couple’s texting game.

Set ground rules for how often you will text or if there are any topics that should remain off-limits. This way both parties know what to expect from their conversations and feel more comfortable opening up about certain topics. It is important to respect these boundaries so that both parties feel like they are heard and respected in the relationship.

Use humor! Jokes and puns are great ways to keep things light and fun over text message.

What are some creative texting games for couples that promote meaningful conversations?

1. ’20 Questions’: Take turns asking each other questions about yourselves, your relationship, and life in general. After 20 questions, you’ll have a better understanding of your partner’s thoughts and feelings!
2. ‘Truth or Dare’: Spice up your conversations with a little bit of daring fun! Try to come up with creative dares that will bring out interesting conversations between the two of you.
3. ‘Favorites Game’: Exchange lists of your favorite things (movies, food, activities etc.) and compare them. This can lead to great discussions on why they like these things or what led them to choose those answers in the first place!
4. ‘Would You Rather?’: Pick two scenarios for each other to decide between – it could be anything from silly hypotheticals to more serious topics such as goals and dreams for the future – this game really opens up the possibilities for meaningful conversations!

How can couples use texting games to strengthen their relationship in the long-term?

Texting games are an excellent way for couples to have fun, stay connected, and strengthen their relationship in the long-term. Playing texting games can be an exciting way to get to know each other better and explore new topics of conversation. Here are some fun texting games that couples can try out:

1. The Alphabet Game – In this game one person starts by sending a message with a word starting with “A”, then the other person responds with a word starting with “B”, and so on until you reach Z. For example A – Apple, B – Ball etc.

2. 20 Questions – One person thinks of something (a place, animal or object) and sends it as a text message to their partner who has 20 questions to guess what it is.

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30th April 2023